Media release

Update 7 - Operation Mentor - Explosion On Board Vessel


Expert assessment of some of the imagery of the explosion on board the vessel intercepted off Ashmore Island is underway.

Northern Territory Police are working with a team of Australian Federal Police forensic experts including the 'Australian Bomb Data Centre' to assess the imagery and some debris as the investigation into the cause of the blast is continuing.

NT Police Acting Commander Bravos, the Officer in charge of the multi jurisdictional investigation, said the exact events leading up to the blast are subject to further investigation,

"It's too early to draw any conclusions at this early stage in the investigation as to how this explosion occurred.

"While we know it was a fuel explosion, the exact fuel and the events leading up to causing it to explode are not clear and that includes whether it was a deliberate act or an accident.

"We know there was diesel, petrol and kerosene on board for main propulsion, the auxiliary bilge pump and cooking appliances respectively.

"Explosion experts are working with us to examine imagery of the blast and a section of boat which was returned last week.

"I must stress, we are waiting to interview key witnesses who remain in hospital in need of continued medical attention as a priority.

"We have spoken to all the Australian Defence Force personnel who were either on board the vessel or in sight of it and a number of the passengers.

"Five people have lost their lives in this explosion, and as with any thorough police investigation, the blast will continue to be treated as suspicious until which point the investigation can draw conclusions.

"There should be no expectations for a rushed investigation which risks leaving gaps and unanswered questions. This is a large scale investigation." A/Commander Bravos said.

The five deceased persons are yet to be formally identified.

A/ Commander Bravos said while all efforts are being made to identify the deceased and notify their next of kin, this process is particularly challenging,

"Considering the limited identifying belongings, lack of DNA and family links and the fact they are foreign nationals is making the formal identification of deceased process very difficult.

"We are working with the Australian Federal Police and Department of Immigration and Citizenship who are currently making enquiries in a number of countries to assist with the identification of these persons." A/Commander Bravos said

The Department of Immigration and Citizenship have established an information line, asking anyone who may know these passengers to contact them on 1300 735 683.

To date, over 80 interviews have been conducted and increasing daily.

This includes all the ADF crew at the scene of the explosion, the Front Puffin crew, Truscott Airbase crew, medical staff from Broome, WA, Darwin and Brisbane

Nineteen passengers from on board the vessel have been interviewed to date. This includes all 14 in Darwin, 2 of the 23 in Perth with more interviews expected to commence this afternoon and tomorrow, and two to date in Brisbane where the more critically ill are located.

There are currently 20 NT Police Detectives working on this investigation with the support of the Australian Federal Police.

Of these 20 detectives, 12 are based in Darwin, 5 in Perth, 3 in Brisbane. One of the Darwin based detectives also recently returned from Sydney where more interviews took place with ADF personnel.

All findings in relation to this investigation will be submitted to the Coroner who has confirmed he will hold a public inquest into the deaths related to this matter.

Media Contact:
Katie Fowden
0401 116 540