Media release



Northern Territory Police have commenced interviewing witnesses of the explosion onboard the vessel intercepted off Ashmore Island on Thursday 16 April 2009.

The NT Police Investigation into this matter has been officially named, 'Operation Mentor', under the command of Acting Commander Peter Bravos, Crime Command.

A/Commander Bravos said the NT Police, in collaboration with the Australian Federal Police, Queensland Police and Western Australian Police will be interviewing all witnesses,

"An extensive investigation is underway in Darwin, Brisbane and Perth where witnesses are currently located.

"Two NT Police detectives are in Perth and four Detectives are escorting the six casualties being transferred from Royal Darwin Hospital to Brisbane.

"A number of NT Police detective teams in Darwin are also working collaboratively with Australian Federal Police to assist with the interview process.

"There are 42 surviving passengers plus 2 crew members and 51 Australian Defence Force personnel who will be interviewed over coming days.

"A number of passengers from the vessel remain in hospital with their health and wellbeing the number one concern prior to Police being able to interview them. It is therefore impossible at this stage to put a timeframe on the interview process alone.

"I would also like to take this opportunity to praise the efforts and coordination from other jurisdictions and agencies in assisting us with this investigation. Without that support, this process could be very difficult." A/Commander concluded.

Three persons are confirmed deceased. Their identity and cause of death is yet to be determined, but will form part of the file being prepared by NT Police on behalf of the Coroner.

Two persons remain missing with the search continuing, coordinated by Customs and Border Protection.

At this stage, the cause of the explosion remains unknown and subject to a thorough multi jurisdictional investigation. Further updates will be provided in due course."

Media Contact:
Katie Fowden
0401 116 540

Editors Note:

The multi agency Region 1 Emergency Operation Centre at the Peter McAulay Centre in Berrimah has now been stood down. Media requests for non Police related matters should be directed to the relevant agency.

All Images taken by officials have been seized as part of the Police Investigation and until they have been fully assessed, will not be considered for release to the public. However, the public interest of appropriate imagery is noted and as and when it can be released, it will be.