Media release

Truck fire charges –Ti Tree – 4384702


Click here for original media release

Eight cars were destroyed and two trailers after a fire was deliberately on a road train which was parked at Ti Tree around 11.30pm last night.

Police were alerted when the driver of the road train, who was sleeping in the prime mover at the time, was awoken by the sound of breaking glass. Ti Tree police and NTES volunteers attempted to extinguish the blaze before the arrival of fire crews from Alice Springs however, two trailers and eight cars were completely destroyed.

The alleged offender was arrested at Ti Tree a short time later. He was interviewed by detectives from the Regional Investigations Division and has been charged with:

Recklessly endangering life
Aggravated criminal damage

He will appear in the Alice Springs Magistrates Court tomorrow.

Media contact:
Theresa Kuilboer
8951 8825