Media release

Police charged, no bull!


Duty Superintendent Bruce Porter said that the bull took exception to B/Sgnt Byrne who was standing on his green grass and began to charge at him.

"He took a few startled steps in the other direction, before realising that there was no hope of getting clear in time, and drew his firearm. By now the bull had gained traction and was heading in his direction with it's head slightly down.

"Now petrified of getting steam rolled and perforated with horns, he fired one round into the lawn in front of the upset bull. At this point, the bull thought better of the situation and wheeled on the spot and headed for the gate, so with his firearm now holstered, Byrne began pursuit of the bull out of the compound, offering him verbal encouragement along the way.

"The gate was secured and the bull headed out across the flat - no injury to Byrne or bull" said Duty Supt Porter. Media contact: Natalie Bell 8901 0280