The highly visible police presence of Operation RAID (Remove All Impaired Drivers) which began Friday 20 November, and runs through to 12 December, has been heavily targeting all road users for offences from drink driving, speeding and even registration.
Senior Sergeant Kerry James of the Strategic Services Division said RAID is a vital tool for monitoring public safety on our roads.
"From the morning of Friday 20 November through to the evening of Sunday 29 November, NT Police breath tested 3 607 people.
"Of those 166 were caught drink driving, four were caught driving under the influence of drugs and 272 were caught speeding.
"A further 118 were apprehended for not wearing their seatbelts, 178 for driving unlicensed, 314 for other traffic offences and 20 for crime related offences.
Nationally 218 812 people have been subjected to breath tests.
"Of those 1 259 returned positive alcohol readings, 26 were apprehended for driving under the influence of drugs and 6 436 for speed offences.
"There were 1 142 caught driving without a licence and 9 384 were charged for other traffic related offences.
"I hope these results send a clear message through to any would-be offenders, making them think twice about offending on our roads in any way, shape or form.
"Police are out in force and only too happy to apprehend these offenders in an effort to reduce trauma on the roads." he said.
Members also apprehended several people over night for drink driving offences, including a 40-year-old male travelling in Ludmilla with seven passengers in his car and a 20-year-old male in Palmerston with four passengers.
They returned a .120 and .177 percent reading respectively.
Territory Duty Superintendent Bruce Porter said that this behaviour is appalling.
"RAID is out in force and will continue on into mid December.
"Alcohol continues to be one of the biggest killers on our roads and we will continue to be active in catching those that flout the law" he said.
Media contact:
Amy Sloan
8922 3365