An operation targeting youth and anti-social behaviour in Alice Springs resulted in eight arrests at the weekend.
Detective Senior Sergeant Lauren Hill said Operation Doushen ran from Thursday night to Saturday night along with the City Safe Program.
"The Operation saw a large number of uniformed police officer in and around the CBD to reduce incidents of anti-social behaviour by youths and others.
"Licensed premises were also targeted to ensure that there were no breaches under the Liquor Act and that intoxicated people were removed.
"During the three-day operation we arrested eight people and summonsed two others. The offences ranged from breaches of bail conditions, to assaults and drug offences.
"Police spoke to more than 300 people, cautioned 27 and issued eleven loitering and infringement notices."
"The Dog Operations Unit which included the General Purpose/tracking dog and the Drug Detector Dog were also used during the operation."
Det Senior Sergeant Hill said Operation Doushen had been highly successful in disrupting anti-social and criminal behaviour and will continue this weekend.
"Police would like to thank members of the public for their co-operation and assure them that these high profile patrols will continue."
Media contact:
Theresa Kuilboer
8951 8825
0419 803 603