Media release

Operation Bender a success in Palmerston


Police throughout Palmerston mounted an Operation last week after an increase in motor vehicle thefts and unlawful entries in the area.

Operation Bender ran from Thursday through to Sunday and targeted youths believed to be involved in interfering with vehicles in and around the suburb of Gray.

Throughout the four day operation, 142 people were spoken to, six were arrested, five were taken into protective custody and 48 were moved on.

Members also tipped out a combined total of 28 litres of alcohol, conducted numerous bailee checks and issued numerous caution/trespass notices.

Acting Superintendent Wayne Jenkinson said that this was a great result for all members involved.

"We obviously wanted to apprehend these offenders, however also wanted to send a strong message to any would be offenders that this sort of behaviour isn't acceptable.

"The members worked at all hours of the day and night, identifying hot spots and subsequently apprehended the offenders that congregated there.

"It is alarming to know that several of the vehicles that were interfered with, were unlocked and worse yet, people continue to leave valuable items such as laptop computers and ipods in plain sight.

"In cases like this, the message 'Lock it or Lose it' really needs to sink in. We need not be making it easier for these offenders.

"Although the operation has come to an end, police will continue to patrol the streets of Palmerston to keep them safe for all community members and urge anyone that may witness any suspicious behaviour to contact police on 131 444" he said.

Media contact:
Amy Sloan
8922 3365