Media release

Offenders arrested - Berrimah


Members of the Youth Crime Unit (YCU), Commander's Tactical Team (CTT) and the Dog Operations Unit (DOU) have apprehended three males in relation to an unlawful entry and stealing offence that occurred in Berrimah on Tuesday.

It is alleged that at 3:00 am the three males, aged 17, 20 and 25 stole a Toyota Hilux from a car yard on Pruen Road and drove it throughout Berrimah.

The offenders later attended Mitchells Adventure Store on the Stuart Highway, cut through the fence, smashed through the glass windows and proceeded to steal numerous weapons and clothing before fleeing the area.

Police attended and after investigations, located and arrested the 20 and 25-year-old in the Knuckeys Lagoon area.

The 25-year-old was remanded in custody and the other is to be summonsed.

The third offender was located the following day in Moulden at around 11:00 am and attempted to out-run police.

Members of the Dog Operations Unit were in attendance and with the assistance of one of the newly introduced General Purpose Dogs Xanto, were able to follow his scent later locating the 17-year-old hiding under a bush on Staghorn Crescent.

He was conveyed to the Darwin Watch House and charged with aggravated enter a dwelling with intent to commit crime, damage property, stealing, unlawful use of a motor vehicle and driving offences.

He was remanded in custody to appear in the Darwin Youth Justice Court today.

Superintendent Kris Evans of the Territory Support Division said that it was a great result.

"All members involved worked hard to apprehend these offenders after they caused thousands of dollars worth of damage and stole approximately $5 000 worth of equipment.

"I think Xanto and his handler deserve a special mention as the offender had evaded police for 48 hours prior to his apprehension and had it not been for the dog, most likely would have remained outstanding.

"Most members of the community are aware of the excellent work of the Drug Detector Dogs but may not be aware that General Purpose Dogs were introduced in December 2008.

"The General Purpose Dogs are used for the tracking of fleeing felons and can also be used to search for missing persons.

"Since their introduction in December 2008 handlers and their dogs have attended a number of jobs where the offenders have fled the scene. These jobs have ranged from Unlawful Entries, to persons running away after car crashes. The dogs have been very successful in locating the scent of the offenders and tracking them to their hiding spot.

"The dogs have been an excellent acquisition to the NT Police and I'd like this to be a clear message to offenders who think they can run and hide from the Police. We now have the ability to find you" he said.

Media contact:
Amy Sloan
8922 3365