Media release

Missing girl – Lambells Lagoon – Update #1


Police resumed searching at first light this morning for an 11-year-old girl that went missing whilst swimming in Black Jungle Swamp at approximately 5.30 pm yesterday.

Four children, three females aged 11, 7, 10 and a 12-year-old male were swimming when one witnessed a crocodile tail and another saw a mouth of a crocodile.

The children immediately contacted their family who in turn contacted police.

Members from the Territory Response Section attended the scene and have been conducting ground and air searches all day assisted by Parks and Wildlife Service rangers from their crocodile management team.

Earlier today members located a pair of board shorts approximately 70 metres from where the girl went missing.

Further evidence has been located approximately 450 metres from where the young girl went missing and strongly indicates she has died from a crocodile attack.

Further DNA testing will be conducted to confirm the identification.

"Everyone involved in this event has been working under difficult conditions. This is a heartbreaking event for the family and the community, "said Territory Duty Superintendent Michael Murphy.

"No specifics will be given in relation to the trauma or the type of evidence located out of respect for the family."

"This is now an investigation for the Northern Territory Coroner and a brief will be prepared by Detectives accordingly."

Every assistance will be provided by Northern Territory Police to the Parks and Wildlife Service Crocodile Management Team to assist in any necessary management at the scene after this incident.

The crime scene has been stood down and access to the Conservation Reserve is closed to the public and entry authorized by permit only.

Media contact:
Sue Bradley
8922 3531