Media release

Media Release - Kava Seizure - Bulman


Police have charged four men aged 41, 42, 44 and 45 and seized around 180kg of Kava just outside of Bulman on Saturday night.

Police pulled over the White Troop Carrier for a routine inspection, and subsequently located the Kava inside the vehicle.

Territory Duty Superintendent Michael Murphey has commended the efforts of Bulman Police.

"This amount of kava has an estimated value of around $220,000 when sold in the communities.

"Bulman police have done a great job intercepting this kava from reaching other remote communities." he said.

The vehicle was seized by police and all four men were charged with possess commercial quantity of kava and supply kava without a license.

The men were bailed to appear in Katherine Magistrates court on the 22 February 2010.

Natalie Bell
0417 770 686