Media release

Large Kava Seizure – Daly Waters


Members from the Katherine Substance Abuse Intelligence Desk (SAID) and the Dog Operations Unit located the man this morning at the Daly Waters Highway Inn, with 145 kilograms of Kava in his vehicle.

Superintendent Brent Warren of the Arnhem Operational Service Division said this was a great result for all those involved.

"This morning's arrest and seizure of Kava valued at around $110 000 is the result of actively targeting an interstate criminal syndicate focussed on importing Kava into remote communities.

"Kava abuse is wide spread in many of our remote communities creating a raft of social, economic and health issues.

"This latest seizure brings the total Kava seized this year to over 900 kilograms. This is an astounding figure, which can only be attributed to good police work and the fantastic support provided by the Commonwealth Government through FaCHSIA " he said.

In addition to the Kava, Police also seized a 1999 Toyota Land cruiser wagon, valued at approximately $17 000.

The offender has been charged with drug offences and is to appear in the Katherine Court at a later date.

Media contact:
Amy Sloan
8922 3365