Media release



The following message is issued by the Katherine Regional Counter Disaster Controller.

Issued at: 8.00 am ...28....../...02....../09........

A Flood Watch for the Katherine River has now been declared.
All Residents - listen carefully to this advice.

The Katherine River at Nitmiluk as at 8:00 am has reached 4.26 metres and is steady.

Gorge Road at Maud Creek crossing has been closed.

Within 12 hours flooding may occur at Bullock Creek Crossing near Morris Road.

If you live in a flood prone area now is the time to consider your actions and take necessary steps to ensure your personal safety and protect your property. Stock up on essential items.

If evacuating, take essential medicines, baby necessities, clothing, blankets, a torch and valuable personal papers with you.

We advise you to stay with friends or family not in a flood prone area.

NO public shelters are open at this time.

This has been a FLOOD WATCH ADVICE

For more information please contact Flood Line on 1800 500 070.

Stay tuned. The next advice will be at approximately 12 pm midday 28 February 2009