Media release

Integrated Service Delivery Model – Alice Springs


Alice Springs Police will work together with local government agencies to deliver the first Integrated Service Delivery Model in Alice Springs tomorrow.

The Integrated Services Delivery Model aims to promote social services to community members and divert persons into support services.

Staff from police, government departments and non-government organisations will walk the North side area to discuss issues with local residents, retailers and visitors as part of the ISDM.

Alice Springs Police Commander Rob Kendrick said the ISDM had been introduced earlier this year as an initiative of the Interagency Tasking and Coordination Group (ITCG) and had seen successful results when trialled in Darwin.

"This will be the first time we have trialled the ISDM in Alice Springs, however we have seen successful results in Darwin and Palmerston," said Commander Kendrick

"The initiative brings a range of services to the community and gets the agencies working together at a grass roots level.

"The idea behind this is to get the agencies out on the ground, listen to the community and provide referrals and diversion services where appropriate.

"Agencies that have regulatory capacity such as Police and Licensing are also positioned to deal with any breaches of the law they encounter."

The ITCG is a collective of government and non-government agencies that meet on a fortnightly basis to identify problems that contribute to anti-social behaviour and work in partnership to tackle these issues.

Representatives from Centrelink, Territory Housing, Department of Health and Families, Department of Justice, School-based Police, Tangentyere Council and Alice Springs Town Council will take part in the model.

"The group will meet at the North side shopping car park and walk the neighbourhood and deal with any issues that may arise such as kids that should be in school, homeless person or others that may be in need of support services or referrals such as return to country.

"Relevant representatives have the opportunity to offer the appropriate services and follow-up to assist with whatever the problem may be.

Commander Kendrick said the Mobile Police van will be parked in the North side shopping centre car park and act as the group's headquarters for the event.

The service delivery program will operate in North side tomorrow from 2am and 4pm.

Commander Kendrick will be available for interviews at 2pm

Media contact:
Chelsea Rogers
(08)89 518825