Media release

Drivers urged to take caution in the wet


Police are warning motorists to take care on the road this wet season following a four vehicle crash on McMillans road yesterday afternoon.

Acting Superintendent Virginia Read (Greater Darwin Regional Command Support Division) said that "with the wet season upon us it is a timely reminder to all drivers to make sure they drive to the conditions of the road at all times".

The vehicles were driving in heavy rains when it is alleged that one braked and the following three vehicles failed to stop in time, resulting in a domino effect crash. It is believed that the major contributing factors to the accident were the presence of heavy rain and all drivers not driving to the road conditions with the vehicles travelling too close to each other.

"Wet conditions reduce the ability to brake and stop in a timely fashion and as such there is a need to increase the distance between yourself and another vehicle during such inclement conditions," warns Acting Superintendent Read.

Road conditions are much more hazardous during the Northern Territory's wet season, because as the road gets wet, oil and grime that have settled into the pavement rise to the surface. The road becomes slick and slippery, making it more difficult to get traction.

"In dry conditions, it is recommended that a safe driving distance is a two to three second gap between your car and the vehicle in front, however in the wet, this distance should be increased to three to four seconds.

"We also recommend that you ensure that your tyres and brakes are in good order and you renew your windscreen wipers to increase your visibility capacities.

"When driving in heavy rain, please slow down and put your headlights on so you are visible to other road users," she said.

Media contact:
Kyla Raby
8922 3365