Media release

Counterfeit notes alert - 4371661


Police are warning shop keepers to be aware that a number of $50 counterfeit notes have been presented recently and accepted by shop keepers in Woolworths Leanyer and Woolworths Darwin. There may also be notes of $20 or $100 denominations circulating.

The notes are made from some sort of paper, not shiny and plastic looking like legal tender. Both notes are a different width and the clear parts of the notes are white as per the paper it appears to be printed on. The colour and detail appears the same as normal but defects can be seen under close examination.

On each occasion the person holding the counterfeit bill entered the store and made a small purchase before presenting the counterfeit $50 and obtaining the real change amount.

It is not known if the same person is involved and police investigating the incidents are urging all shop keepers to be on alert.

"We urge shop keepers to always be vigilant when handling money, in particular, to look at the general presentation of the note, security markings in the note's window and the feel, "said Superintendent Jamie Chalker.

"All attempts to pass counterfeit currency should be reported immediately to police on 131 444 and staff should also try to take note of the appearance of the person issuing the money so a good description can be supplied to police.

Media note: Photos of the counterfeit notes are available from the Media Unit

Media contact:
Sue Bradley
8922 3185