Media release

Assault – Jabiru


A 19-year-old man has been arrested and charged in relation to an assault and robbery of a 30-year-old man.

In the early hours of Tuesday 13 January between midnight and 1.00 am several people were allegedly consuming alcohol at Mudginberri Outstation which is approximately 12 kilometres north of Jabiru.

At some stage the victim was assaulted and robbed of his wallet by the offender who then fled the area. Further enquiries revealed he then chartered a flight to Maningrida where he was apprehended at the airport by Maningrida police.

The victim was conveyed to the Jabiru Clinic for treatment of minor injuries and released.

The 19-year-old man has been charged with aggravated assault and robbery and bailed to appear in the Maningrida Court on 4 February.

Media contact:
Sue Bradley
8922 3531