Media release

2008 Christmas and New Year Road Safety Campaign – latest figures


Territory police are reminding drivers that the Christmas/New Year Road Safety Campaign is continuing and they will remain vigilant until its conclusion at the end of the month.

"This is not to say motorists can become complacent once the campaign ends - police will continue to enforce a zero tolerance approach to those who ignore the road rules," said Superintendent Road Safety Bob Rennie.

"Last year's road toll of 75 was the highest for 21 years and is a tragic incentive for police to continue their efforts with the assistance of all road users."

Since the campaign commenced on 19 December, police Territory wide have breath tested 9 289 motorists with 146 caught drink driving. A total of 2 308 traffic infringement notices across the Territory have been issued to drivers for speeding and 161 for not wearing a seatbelt.

"One statistic that continues to concern police is the number of motorists who have been caught speeding - 2 308 since the beginning of the campaign.

Thirty-nine people have been caught unlicensed and disqualified and 170 caught for other traffic offences.

"The message is simple. Police take road safety seriously - if you speed you will be caught - if you drink and drive you will be caught. Those who break the law are not only putting their own lives in danger but also other road users," said Superintendent Rennie.

"It is up to each motorist to take responsibility and behave responsibly on the roads."

Media contact:
Sue Bradley
8922 3531