Welcome to the NT Fire Incident Map, a single website for NT fire incident information and advice.
Map Key |
Fire |
Indicates a fire that firefighters are 'responding' to or investigating or is 'not yet under control'. Note: The fire may be a building fire, grassfire, vehicle fire, rubbish fire or non-building fire. The location of the icon normally shows where the fire has started but does not show how far it has spread. |
Road Crash |
The reported location of a crash or incident involving a car or other motor vehicle with injury, person trapped or fatality. Also includes incidents resulting from an oil or fuel spill. |
Alarm |
Indicates the reported location of a fire alarm requiring attendance including automatic fire alarms, alarm bells ringing and domestic smoke alarms. |
Advice |
This indicates the reported location of an unauthorised burning, permit burn, strategic burn, illegal burn or animal rescue incident occurring. |
Other |
The reported location of an incident involving an aircraft or rail crash, industrial accident, rescue, power lines down or hazmat incident. |
Bushfire Emergency Warning |
An Emergency Warning is the highest level of Bush Fire Alert. You may be in danger and need to take action immediately. Any delay now puts your life at risk. |
Bushfire Watch and Act |
There is a heightened level of threat. Conditions are changing and you need to start taking action now to protect you and your family. |
Bushfire Advice |
A fire has started. There is no immediate danger. Stay up to date in case the situation changes. |
Planned Burn |
A planned burn operation is being conducted. |
Closed Fire |
Indicates a fire that is 'under control' or 'safe'. Note: The fire may be a building fire, grassfire, vehicle fire, rubbish fire or non-building fire. The location of the icon normally shows where the fire has started but does not show how far it has spread. |
Closed Road Crash |
The reported location which has been attended and cleared of a crash or incident involving a car or other motor vehicle with injury, person trapped or fatality or an incident resulting from an oil or fuel spill. |
Closed Alarm |
Indicates the reported location of a fire alarm which has been attended to including automatic fire alarms, alarm bells ringing and domestic smoke alarms which require no further action. |
Closed Advice |
This indicates the reported location of an unauthorised burning, permit burn, strategic burn, illegal burn or animal rescue incident which has been attended to and requires no further action. |
Closed Other |
The reported location of an incident involving an aircraft or rail crash, industrial accident, rescue, power lines down or hazmat incident which has been attended to and requires no further action. |
Bushfire Closed |
Response to this bushfire has concluded and no further response is required. Fire may still be burning within containment lines. |
Bushfire Perimeters |
Fire perimeters are based on information received both from firefighters on the ground and from aerial observers. It is important to remember that fire perimeters change quickly over time and the perimeters provided here may not reflect the current or final extent of the fire. The perimeters are our best estimate of the known extent of the fire. If sufficient data is not available, no fire perimeter will be displayed. |
Status |
Going |
A fire which is spreading on one or more fronts. Effective containment strategies are not in place for the entire perimeter. |
Being Controlled |
Effective strategies are in operation or planned for the entire perimeter. |
Under Control |
The fire is at a stage where fire fighting resources are only required for patrol purposes and major re-ignition is unlikely. |
Current Situation |
Reported / Investigating | Firefighting crews are on the way to a reported bushfire. Crews will confirm situation and commence appropriate response on arrival. |
Response Underway | Firefighting crews are currently in attendance undertaking actions necessary to contain the fire. |
Controlled | This bushfire is safe and under control. Fire is within containment lines and no breakout is expected. |
Contained | The perimeter of the bushfire has been secured, re-ignitions may still occur. Fire continues to burn within perimeter and firefighting crews remain in attendance. |
Monitoring | Firefighting crews are monitoring this bushfire and will continue to patrol and mop up as required. Fire is considered safe and further outbreaks are unlikely. |
Handover Occurred | Firefighting crews have completed their response and have handed responsibility for managing the bushfire to the landholder. |
Completed | Response to this bushfire has concluded and no further response is required. Fire may still be burning within containment lines. |